About Us – Working Principles

Working Principles

We hold the responsibility for the management of the organization and, at the same time, our work together provides an opportunity to practice our common vision: to create a new culture of co-creative working together. Therefore, we use these seven design principles to guide our leadership and create our organizational culture:

  1. We use “dynamic steering” that is aligned with development, working with the information at hand and the situation at the moment.
  2. We are self-responsible; each of us develops his/her area of work autonomously.
  3. We proactively address situations that the actors involved have questions about.
  4. We understand our leadership culture as a process, in which we hold open a potentiality space between us and seek to cultivate the presence of shared aliveness, so that we can develop a creative and productive work context.
  5. We use the Emerge Dialogue Process to support transparent, co-creative communication.
  6. We make decisions
    • by taking into account the principle of natural hierarchy (in which we recognize and acknowledge the different levels of experience, knowledge or skills of the people involved, and which we ongoingly reconsider afresh)
    • through the distribution of responsibility and functional authority
  7. We meet regularly and include spiritual practice in our meetings.

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